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How to Ask the Right Question the Right Way


Excerpt from Chapter 10 of Getting the Truth

How to Ask the Right Question the Right Way

I asked the pastor, "May I smoke while I pray?"  Absolutely not.

I then asked, "May I pray while I smoke?" Absolutely.

The question structure determines the response.

Structure your initial questions to promote open, uncontaminated responses. Use only mutually understood words. Then look for precision, accuracy, simplicity, and directness. You then focus on where those are missing.

Here are some first questions/requests that may be properly constructed to help minimize contamination and produce uncontaminated responses:

• Tell me why you are here.

• Why am I here?

• What happened?

• What brought you here?

• Tell me about yourself.

All of these questions/requests are open ended. They allow the subject great latitude in determining where they start.

Think about it. Where do you start? Where you start determines where you finish. Where the subject starts her response is very important. It gives you insight into how they think and how they express themselves. It can tell you if they are linear, chronological thinkers or something else. It gives you a glimpse into what you can expect and to compare later responses. In short, these early explanations, discussions, will form the foundation to analyze and interpret the subject’s overall response. 

Get Getting the Truth



In a 2005 deposition, Attorney Delores Troiani (who represented a woman accusing Bill Cosby of sexual assault) asked Bill Cosby:

"When you got the Quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these Quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?" asks the plaintiff’s attorney, who is questioning Cosby.

Cosby answers simply, "Yes."

I recommend questions to be short, simple, compact and precise - more along the lines, “What was the purpose for the Quaaludes?” or, “For what were the Quaaludes?” This question violates that. Nevertheless it’s a very, very effective question. With Cosby’s simple and precise answer, “Yes,” the attorney proved what is extremely difficult to prove – intent. Not just intent, but devious intent. Now, we still don’t have Mr. Cosby saying “I gave Quaaludes to unknowing young women to have sex with them.” We do, however, have the evidence, in his own words telling us his intended use of the Quaaludes.

This discovery of the truth must be wonderful news to all those victims who took the long step to accuse an icon of sexual assault. I look for more victims to surface now that the stigma of false accusation is lifted. Cosby’s cover-up strategy didn’t work.

Get Mr. Koenig's book, "Getting the Truth."

Trained Observer Test #2 - What's Missing?


What's missing in the US Response to the allegation the US Intelligence monitored German Chancellor Merkel's mobile phone:


US Response from Jay Carney (Presidential Press Secretary) 10/23/2013:


“Obama and Merkel spoke by phone earlier Wednesday and ‘the president assured the chancellor that the United States is not monitoring and will not monitor the communications of the chancellor,’ White House press secretary Jay Carney said.”


==> What's missing? (answer next week by 6/30/15 on this blog)

Get Joe Koenig's book, Getting the Truth


Answer:  The "Past" ("did not monitor") is missing! The best and the brightest team of experts working for the President and Press Secretary Carney crafted this response after long discussions. Their response refers only to the "Present" and "Future," with no reference to the "Past." They didn't forget to address the "Past." This omission is an admission the US Government monitored Chancellor Merkel's mobile phone.



".. unlocking the secrets of communication." - buy Mr. Koenig's autographed books at BOOKSTORE.

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