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Forensic Linguistics and Certified Fraud Examination

Unlocking the secrets of communication.

Finding facts for better decisions.

 "Asking for help isn't giving up,' said the horse. 'It's refusing to give up."
Charlie Mackesy, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse.

KMI Investigations, LLC is a licensed and bonded Grand Rapids, MI-based private and professional investigations company led by our founder, Joe Koenig, Forensic Linguist, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and author. KMI and Joe Koenig recently became a 2024 Expert Witness Award Winner!


We utilize only highly trained, skilled, and experienced private investigators and consultants who are experts at gathering factually accurate data, witness information, and evidence critical to our client's objectives. KMI is your expert in many investigations: Forensic Linguistics, Interview/Interrogation, due diligence, asset discovery, reliability of statements, and objective assessments of case facts. You may wish to have us obtain very detailed information from your client to disclose unknown case facts.


KMI specializes in Financial Fraud Examination and Forensic Linguistics - using language/communication as evidence - Forensic Linguistics). Forensic Linguists (FL) will accomplish various things for you. Here are some examples:

  • Analyze written or spoken language to determine its authenticity or meaning. This may involve analyzing a ransom note to determine if it was written by the kidnapper or a witness statement to determine if the witness is telling the truth.
  • Identify the unknown author of a text (email) by comparing the author's writing characteristics to those of a known writer.
  • Provide expert testimony in court. Forensic Linguists provide expert testimony on various issues, such as the authenticity of a document, the meaning of a statement, or an author's identity.*
  • Analyze advertising copy to determine whether it is deceptive or misleading.
  • Investigate trademark infringement and copyright violations.
  • Identify the author of pseudonymous texts.
  • Help you to correctly structure your questions to elicit a response that the investigator can use to discern the truth. The FL asks the right questions the right way at the right time. 

A forensic linguist is a valuable asset in various legal settings. They can help to solve crimes, resolve legal disputes, and educate law enforcement and the public. We also focus on abuses in Elder Fraud, including Guardianships and Conservatorships.


KMI practices the principles revealed in the founder's award-winning book, "Getting the Truth," and teaches those principles to his ever-growing number of speeches on Forensic Linguistics. These principles unlock the secrets of communication, which go to the heart of getting the truth and understanding the real message. Evidence obtained using our principles will save you time and money. You get the right evidence in the right way. Our methods minimize the possibility of a false confession. We work efficiently and effectively, always with our eyes on the future health of your business.


We work hard to ensure everyone is treated with dignity and respect. We try our best to instill in the confessor that, while their actions were wrong and they need to be held accountable, this is their opportunity to view this setback as a catalyst for growth. We emphasize the need for introspection to encourage healing, not anger. Understanding and accepting our mistakes leads us to a better way forward, a foundation to build. In our fraud investigations, we use our accounting education, experience, and investigative background to address your complex financial fraud needs - again, using our methods to get the truth.

 In our interviews

Using Forensic Linguistics in Due Diligence investigations is a little-used and powerful tool for making better decisions in mergers and acquisitions. We can help you determine how committed they are and identify those areas in which you need to gather more information before making those all-important decisions.


False confessions are being discovered at an alarming rate. We offer opinions on possible false confessions, helping to identify, analyze, quantify, and present the evidence in those false confessions to help prove innocence. Joe has the unique and powerful combination of experience and skills as a court-approved expert* to help you defend those falsely accused. 


Joe was the 2020 recipient of the Michigan State Police Retiree of the Year award in part for his work in providing crucial Forensic Linguistic evidence leading to the release of two convicts from prison for crimes they didn't commit in separate cases. Joe regularly works on Innocence Clinic projects.


Use KMI to assist in your legal and audit risk assessment interviews. Interview your client(s) to get detailed, minimally contaminated statements to help determine the truth and secure those hard-to-get details needed to construct your best legal/audit strategy. We also assist counsel in identifying deceptive testimony and witness statements.


*Lawyers: For Innocence (or False Confession) Cases

Ask your client to handwrite a response to the following, send it to me, and I can tell you if I, as a Forensic Linguist, have reason to believe he/she is or is not involved:


"For the day of the homicide (or other offense) for which you are charged, tell me everything you did from the time you woke up until the time you went to sleep."  

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 616 366-5856 to discuss details


Autographed books ("Getting the Truth" and "Getting the Truth: I am D.B. Cooper" with free shipping) are available by clicking the "BOOKSTORE" tab above, or unautographed books are available through any bookstore. KMI incorporates the books' principles in everything it does. That is something you won't find in other PI firms. "Getting the Truth" is the 2016 Montaigne Medal Finalist Award Winner and the 2016 Indie Non-Fiction Finalist Award Winner. Please get in touch with us anytime at 616 366-5856 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  @JoeKMI on Twitter and Facebook: Author Joe Koenig and #gettingthetruth; #getthetruth; #joekoenig; #AuthorJoeKoenig.

*Expert Witness testimony on Forensic Linguistics (admitted as Expert Witness, 2019 Michigan's Sixth Circuit Court Judge Rae Chabot [State of Michigan vs. Kevin Boyd])

Finding Facts for Better Decisions



".. unlocking the secrets of communication." - buy Mr. Koenig's autographed books at Apple Pay/Cash (616 366-5856), Zelle, or BOOKSTORE.

© 2010 – 2024 KMI Investigations, LLC.           Contact: 616 366-5856.  email:         

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