Joe's new audible version of "Getting the Truth: I Am D.B. Cooper:

This is an award-winning book on Forensic Linguistics (Definition Forensic Linguistics). It's about reading between the lines, discovering the real message, distinguishing truth from deception, and learning to sculpt your questions to get the truth. Mr. Koenig says Getting the Truth "reflects my passion for knowing and teaching people what really goes on around us." Getting the Truth won the 2016 Montaigne Medal Finalist Award and the 2016 Indie Non-Fiction Finalist Award.
"It’s harder to tell a lie than to tell the truth. So, to make it easier we tell partial truths. Fortunately, partial truths leave tracks. This book shows you how to identify and follow those tracks to get the truth, the deception - the real message.”
It is full of analysis of written statements from public and private figures to help drive home the book's principles,including General Petraeus' resignation letter, the ransom note from the Jon Benet Ramsay case, OJ Simpson's statement to LAPD Detectives Lange and Vannatter the day after the murder of Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman, Woody Allen's response to Dylan Farrow's sexual assault allegation, as well as many others.
You can purchase Mr. Koenig's book, Getting the Truth by clicking "BOOKSTORE" Follow him on Facebook: Author Joe Koenig