My Favorite Detective Stories
I was a guest of John Hoda's "My Favorite Detective Stories" - here it is: Joe Koenig on John Hoda's My Favorite Detective Stories
I was a guest of John Hoda's "My Favorite Detective Stories" - here it is: Joe Koenig on John Hoda's My Favorite Detective Stories
I'll be a guest of Darren's on his penetrating look at the D.B.Cooper case: The Cooper Vortex
**Just in: Audible narration of Getting the Truth: I am D.B. Cooper containing the original voice recordings between Carl Laurin and Walt Reca, aka D.B. Cooper available at
The pronoun "we" (as it pertains to the Special Counsel and "the Department") is missing in Robert Mueller's 3/27/19 letter to AG Barr - a strong indicator of animosity between the two. #MuellerReport I #AGBarr
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