"Don't let the Presentation overpower the Message." Getting the Truth
"Don't let the Presentation overpower the Message." Getting the Truth
Can a person who did it, say "I didn't do it," and be truthful?
Yes. Read "Getting the Truth." https://
When in troubled waters, remember to sing The Old Innuit Song. It soothes the spirit:
"I think over again my small adventures.
My fears, Those small ones that seemed so big,
For all the vital things I had to get and reach.
And yet there is only one great thing,
The only thing,
To live to see the great day that dawns
And the light that fills the world."
~ An Old Inuit Song ~
Buy Author Joe Koenig's "Getting the Truth"
The snow fell all night and all day - over 3 feet of snow. As a 9-year- old, I loved it. In the evening when the snowfall subsided, I did as I always did, and ventured out with my snow shovel to make some money.
I knocked on several neighborhood doors with no luck. Finally, at a home with a 30’ X 20’ driveway, the owner agreed to my $5 offer to shovel their driveway. I was pleased. $5 was a lot of money in those days.
Over 3 hours later and exhausted, I knocked on the door to announce I completed the shoveling. During my ordeal, I convinced myself the homeowner would see how much work their driveway required and give me more than what I asked. He didn’t.
And so I learned a big, important lesson when I was 9 years old. Don’t be stupid.
Author Joe Koenig "Getting the Truth"
".. unlocking the secrets of communication." - buy Mr. Koenig's autographed books at Apple Pay/Cash (616 366-5856), Zelle, or BOOKSTORE.
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